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Mainly divided into as railway, highway, inland waterway, sea, air and pipeline, etc. 6, their properties, technical and economic characteristics and application scope is not the same.
Inland water transport
Such as large carrying capacity of railway transportation, strong continuity, high speed, the freight is low, operation is generally not affected by climate, topography and other natural conditions, suitable for long-haul passenger and cargo transportation; Road transport, though a small load, transportation cost is higher, but the mobile flexibility is bigger, strong continuity, suitable for medium and short transportation passenger and high-grade industrial and agricultural products; Water transport (including inland and sea transportation) has a large carrying capacity, transportation cost is low, the investment province, run slower, anti poor flexibility and continuity, suitable for bulk, low and a wide variety of bulk cargo transportation; Air transport has quick speed, less investment, without being limited by the local terrain conditions, can the advantages of long distance transportation, there is also a small load, transport costs is high, easy to influenced by weather conditions such as faults, suitable for long-distance passenger and high-grade and foreign trade of goods and in urgent need of the goods transportation; Pipeline transportation has a large capacity, low cost, anti poor flexibility, suitable for large throughput, supply relatively stable crude oil, refined oil, natural gas and other liquid and gas supplies.